DNSO Names Council Teleconference on 14 November 2002 - agenda

Coordinated Universal Time UTC 13:00 - see below for local times

Bruce Tonkin will be chairing the NC teleconference.
Scheduled time for meeting - 120 mins.


1. Approval of agenda

2. Summary of last meetings

3. Issues arising from the Names Council meeting on 29 October 2002

3.1 Briefing by Louis Touton on implementation of policies (30 mins).
For background see:
Questions of clarification include the difference between "policy" and
"administrative detail", and the level of guidance ICANN staff require to
implement a "policy" developed via consensus.  For example should a policy
state that "there should be a maximum period for a particular action", or
should the policy state "the maximum period for an action is 3 days".
Note the current registry contracts have many examples of specific
administrative detail.

4. UDRP update - report from J.Scott Evans on next steps  (15 mins)

5. New TLD process - discuss Stuart Lynn proposal  (30 mins)

6. Budget Report  (20 mins)
- current financial status
- projected position for 31 Dec 2002
- discuss DNSO budget for 1 Jan 2003 to 30 June 2003, and estimate
constituency contributions required for 2003.

7. GNSO budget planning for 1 July 2003 to 30 June 2004   (20 mins)
Proposal for initial planning of GNSO budget to be delegated to the Budget
Additional Names Council members welcome to join the budget committee for
these discussions.
Possible process:
- determine desired budget to support GNSO process (including staffing, and
administration costs)
- determine what level of funding would be available from ICANN
- determine whether GNSO council wishes or needs to obtain additional
funding from constituencies to fund any shortfalls from ICANN

8. Agenda topics for 14 Dec 2002:
a. transfers task force recommendations -= for decision
b. WHOIS task force recommendations - for decision
c. 1 Jan 2003 to 30 June 2003 budget and constituency contributions - for

9 Any other business
    Local time between November and end March, WINTER in the NORTHERN hemisphere
    Reference (Coordinated Universal Time)     UTC         14:00
    California, USA                            UTC-8+0DST   6:00
    Missouri, USA                              UTC-6+0DST   8:00
    Monterrey, Mexico                          UTC-6+0DST   8:00
    Washington DC, USA                   (EST) UTC-5+0DST   9:00
    St.Thomas, Virgin Islands                  UTC-4+0DST  10:00
    Santiago, Chile                            UTC-4+1DST  11:00
    Buenos Aires, Argentina                    UTC-3+0DST  11:00
    London, United Kingdom                     UTC+0+0DST  14:00
    Brussels, Belgium                    (CET) UTC+1+0DST  15:00
    Barcelona, Spain                     (CET) UTC+1+0DST  15:00
    Frankfurt, Germany                   (CET) UTC+1+0DST  15:00
    Paris, France                        (CET) UTC+1+0DST  15:00
    Seoul, Korea                               UTC+9+0DST  23:00
    Tokyo, Japan                               UTC+9+0DST  23:00
    Melbourne, Australia                      UTC+10+1DST  01:00
    The DST starts/ends on last Sunday of March 2003, 2:00 or 3:00 local time
    For other places see http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/

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